Defeat the Streets, in partnership with Gallagher Benefit Services Inc., can now boast their first annual Volunteer event as a success. The event was held on July 23rd, 2019 from 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM supporting the Food Bank For NYC Food Distribution Warehouse, which is located in Hunts Point Cooperative Market at 355 Food Center Drive, Bronx NY 10474. It was a great turn out with twenty volunteers eager to serve and give back. It is true, No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave – Calvin Coolidge.
Our volunteers not only gave back for a good cause but had a lot of fun and created a real sense of comradely while doing so. The group was able to pack a total of 3,542 pounds in three hours stacking boxes so high you could do triceps exercises off of them. And as true volunteers, making sure their efforts fully benefited the receivers, they checked expiration dates, filled up the boxes and labeled them appropriately as cereal, beverages, assorted meals, etc.
Defeat the Streets, in partnership with Gallagher Benefit Services Inc., on July 23rd, truly embodied volunteers as love in motion because sometimes you really do not have the time but as long as you have the heart, you make it happen.